• broken image

    Uniting Locals Through Games & Stories


    "The Los Angeles Dystopia"

    directed by Louis A. De Barraicua

    | MISSION |

    End HOMELESSNESS by the

    2028 Olympics

  • by getting on a


    a path where "Everybody Wins" in their own story that

    works inside a 200-person community

    What are the 5 Elements of the Story?

    # 1


    A character portal that fosters an interest-based journey that is experienced as a digital-world that incentivizes real world actions.


    Collaborative Culture

    A Highly Functional 200-personal community called a "Pirate Ship" that enhances its value with 20 unhoused individuals. This process will find a role for 50,000 unhoused individuals. The first community, the OptomystiX, provides the media, tools and resources to create more aesthetic, high-functioning communities.


    Local Investment

    A process that allows outside investors participate in communities ready for transformation through a narratives that creates the circumstances for OptomystiK narratives.


    Innovative Living and Working

    Interchangeable spaces designed to transform the way people experience life.This approach encourages collaboration through a journey that provides opportunities for character growth and timeline development.



    A clear graphical illustration through that an interactive story that highlights transparency through a story that uses ledgers to give credit to participants through templates that incentivize cooperation.